A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

4th of July Buzzkill

Seattle Plastic Surgeon and mother of two young adult men is a total buzzkill on the 4th of July. For most people, the 4th of July is a nice holiday filled with family, friends, good food and maybe some good fireworks.  But……..for the plastic surgeon on call for the emergency room, the 4th of JulyContinue reading…

14-Point Plan for Breast Implant Placement

Surgical techniques are constantly evolving and breast implant technique is no exception.  In the past couple of years recommendations to minimize implant and implant pocket contamination have been developed.  This is in response to overwhelming evidence that bacterial contamination is the main cause of capsular contracture and may also be the cause of breast implantContinue reading…

Spectators in the OR

Occasionally I have a request from a patient’s friend or family member to come into the OR to “watch the surgery.”  Many times they tell me that they have seen it on T.V. or on YouTube and just think it will be cool to see it in person.  The answer is always no and hereContinue reading…

Got Sunscreen?

Seattle Plastic Surgeon comments on the results of a long running sunscreen use study from Austrailia.  It’s that time of year when I must nag about tanning.  In rainy Seattle it is so tempting to soak up the sun once summer arrives (that is usually about July 5th).  But please, think before you rip offContinue reading…

I’m anti anti-vaxer

Anti-vaxers have been on my mind lately.  I recently had a nasty comment directed at my @breastimplantsanity Instagram telling me I should be ashamed of myself for promoting these “toxic bags of death”.  Those who follow @breastimplantsanity closely know that I am not a huge breast implant fan and much prefer other options for breastContinue reading…

Did you know that I am “Woman of Year in Medicine and Healthcare” and that “Seattle’s #1 Ranked Plastic Surgeon” is not a plastic surgeon?

Seattle Plastic Surgeon ponders the meaning of all of these awards than just seem to arrive in the mail along with a place for credit card information.   I was dejunking my office this week and came across a bunch of letters and a few emails informing me how fabulous I am and inviting me toContinue reading…

Give me great massage but please hold the b.s.

  Yesterday we had a wonderful massage therapist come into the office to give our staff 30 minute massages in celebration of Nurses Week.  Oh yeah, I sneaked in and had one too and it was great.  While having my back, neck and shoulders, arms and hands kneaded, pulled, rubbed and elbowed, I had aContinue reading…

Liposuction-Augmentation Mammaplasty – A Bad Idea IMHO

Liposuction-augmentation mammaplasty has been on my radar since I stumbled across an Instagram video a few months ago of a surgeon sucking the fat out of a perfectly full breast and then inserting an implant to make up for the lost volume.  I started humming Ozzy Osborn’s Crazy Train!  The rational for this procedure isContinue reading…

Capsular Contracture 102: Treatment

My last blog discussed the difficult and frustrating problem of capsular contracture of breast implants.  As with just about every problem known to mankind, prevention is the best approach. But despite doing everything correctly pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-operatively, a small number of patients will experience capsular contracture. First a little history:  Way back when theContinue reading…

Capsular Contracture – the final frontier in breast implant surgery?

Capsular Contracture 101 Anyone who knows my practice well knows that I am not a big fan of breast implants.  I much prefer fat transfer and/or breast lift to get a breast looking nicer.  But sometimes only a breast implant will get the patient the size and shape of breasts they desire.  Implants have manyContinue reading…

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