A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Now That’s Cool

Happy Thanksgiving

November 24th, 2020 — 10:17am

  ’tis the season of Thanksgiving.  Here are a few things that this plastic surgeon is thankful for………. Modern Anesthesia.  This makes for painless surgery.  And the surgeon can take her time to do a really, really nice job.  During the Pilgrims’ time, the main qualification for being a surgeon was to be really, really, really fast. Yikes!Continue reading…

Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery

Halloween Owl is a Mother’s Friend

October 29th, 2019 — 12:20pm

Happy Halloween! If you have young kids at home, you need to meet the Halloween Owl.  He is your best friend this time of year. This is how he operates.   You help your  children set aside at least half of their sugary treasure to donate to the Halloween Owl.  They put their donation into a niceContinue reading…

Children, Now That's Cool

Will there be plastic surgery under your Christmas tree?

November 30th, 2018 — 3:11pm

How to give the gift of plastic surgery. Looking for the perfect gift this holiday season?  That perfect gift may just be a plastic surgical procedure.  Here are a few tips if you are considering this most thoughtful and personal of presents. Only consider this if your loved one has confided in you that he/sheContinue reading…

Mommy Makeover, Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery, Postoperative Care

Maximizing Follow-Up in Cosmetic Surgery Clinical Trials – Money Helps

July 26th, 2018 — 9:05am

In a previous blog post bemoaning the difficulty of good follow-up in clinical research I sort of place most of the blame on patients who blow off the follow-up  once they have their desired implants.  This was my experience with the implant study I participated in many years ago.  I had an 80% follow-up at 5Continue reading…

Breast Implant Illness, Breast Implants, New Technology, Now That's Cool

Happy Thanksgiving

November 15th, 2017 — 8:49am

  ’tis the season of Thanksgiving.  Here are a few things that this plastic surgeon is thankful for………. Modern Anesthesia.  This makes for painless surgery.  And the surgeon can take her time to do a really, really nice job.  During the Pilgrims’ time, the main qualification for being a surgeon was to be really, really, really fast. Yikes!Continue reading…

Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery

Is the ideal female breast of the future smallish? Yes, according to Blade Runner 2049.

October 10th, 2017 — 2:11pm

My husband and I went to Blade Runner 2049 this past weekend at Seattle’s wonderful Majestic Bay Theater.  I am a big fan of the original Blade Runner thus the bar was very, very high for 2049.  IMHO, Blade Runner 2049 was too frenetic, too convoluted and the only characters I really cared much aboutContinue reading…

Breast Contouring, Now That's Cool, Stuff I love

Manual labor

June 8th, 2016 — 3:08pm

I recently returned from a 12 day stay in Vaison La Romaine, France where my husband taught his yearly Travel, Food and Wine Writing class.  This class combines some excellent sight seeing, lots and lots of eating and, of course, some winery tours.  On one of the tours, I skipped the usual sniffing, sipping and spitting routine andContinue reading…

It's All About Me., My Plastic Surgery Philosophy, Now That's Cool

A really, really excellent scar.

October 22nd, 2014 — 12:51pm

Any incision that goes all the way through the skin will leave a scar.  That the way higher organisms like you and me heal.  Scarless surgery is just not possible. Patients are always concerned about scarring and so are plastic surgeons.  Plastic surgeons are good about hiding scars in wrinkles or skin creases or along naturalContinue reading…

Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery, Scar

The Non-surgical Breast Lift – All You Need Is Tape

August 19th, 2014 — 2:46pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon performs a non-surgical breast lift in the exam room in 72 seconds! Recently I had a lady come in who really, really wanted to know what HER breasts would look like after a breast lift.  Showing her photos of ladies with similar breasts wasn’t quite enough.  She wanted to look in theContinue reading…

Breast Contouring, Breast Lift, Non-invasive, Now That's Cool

A brow lift provides an anatomy lesson in the operating room.

May 22nd, 2014 — 9:13pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon gives a little anatomy lesson during a brow lift.  I did an open brow lift yesterday on a lady who had just excellent anatomy. An open brow lift is done with an incision that is made ear to ear across the scalp about and inch in back of the hair line.  TheContinue reading…

Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery, Surgical Eductaion, Uncategorized

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