Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa
Seattle Plastic Surgeon dials it down a few notches for dudes. I’ve been doing quite a few cases on men lately. Almost all of my male facial plastic surgery patients are eager to tell me what they don’t want. Names like Mickey Rourke, Bruce Jenner, Kenny Rogers and Burt Reynolds come up frequently. All ofContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon and her male patients go through a lot of Botox this time of year. This time of year Seattle men put away the flannel and fleece and Gortex and some of them make appointments for Botox injections to their armpits. Excess underarm sweating is fairly easy to conceal in heavy winter clothing butContinue reading…
Seattle gynecomastia patient shows what can happen once a guy is comfortable going to the gym. It’s a beautiful thing. I find it very gratifying to help patients achieve their personal best through plastic surgery. And I find it super gratifying when plastic surgery really helps a patient make a commitment to better self care.Continue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon riffs on the possible link between gynecomastia and marijuana use. Okay, full disclosure here. This is just my theory. It is based on nothing more than urban myth from my high school days and wishful thinking. The yearly procedural statistics published by the American society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently came out andContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon shares Wall Street Journal Article from Saturday, Oct. 5, 1013: Words Assured to Tick Off Any Man by Joe Queenan Redbook’s website has just published a list of things you should never say to a man. Why not? Because they will make him go ballistic. The list includes such incendiary remarks as:Continue reading…
Anyone for immediate gratification? Seattle Plastic Surgeon discovers youth in a bottle for middle aged dudes with mustaches. Okay, check this out. This is a gentleman who came in for a scar revision on his forehead. When he came in for his post-surgical photos, I was stunned with how much younger he looked. It tookContinue reading…
The masculine brow is low and the lids are full. Just ask James Dean. Seattle Plastic Surgeon blogs about male facial plastic surgery. Recently I have done facial plastic surgery on a few dudes and that has gotten me thinking about the difference between male and female plastic surgery. With guys undergoing facial surgery, especially aroundContinue reading…