Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa
Seattle Plastic Surgeon answers common Liposuction FAQ: Where will the fat go if I gain weight? This is one of the great plastic surgery mysteries because in any given patient, I cannot really predict where the fat will go if a patient gains weight after liposuction. I can say with confidence that it won’t likely goContinue reading…
What’s the ideal weight for plastic surgery? I get this question a lot from patients who are thinking about having breast and/or body contouring. It’s an important question and I am always glad to hear it because it tells me that the patient understands that weight fluctuations can make a difference in surgical outcome. TakeContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic surgeon shows why belly fat cannot be treated with liposuction (with a little help from Oprah and Dr. Oz). I saw a patient a couple of years ago who was requesting abdominal liposuction. I did my usual body contouring evaluation and had the unenviable task of informing him that he was a really lousy candidate forContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon riffs on how those Downton Abbey women stay so slim and what it all has to do with the modern day tummy tuck. The ladies of Downton Abbey spend a lot of time having their corsets laced up by their maids – and it’s always right before they go down for dinner. Continue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon explains fat necrosis. Fat necrosis often gets much, much better with a little tincture of time and usually does not require reoperation. It occurs most frequently in overweight patients who have a thick layer of fat. Recently I re-operated on an abdominoplasty patient of mine for fat necrosis. The term, fatContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon wishes Happy B-Day to those ageless boys of the Rolling Stones. It’s hard to believe that the orginal Bad Boys of Rock ‘n’ Roll first went had their first gig fifty years and one day ago. Several years ago, Marianne Faithful wrote Memories, Dreams and Reflections about her high times with the band andContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon shares an article in last Saturday’s Wall Street Journal that takes on the problem of food addiction in women. I am a bit of an expert on the subject of overeating. I’ve been in practice over 20 years and many of my patients are women with “food issues.” I always try to gently probeContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon blogs about predicting patient satisfaction following liposuction. Later this month, I am giving a talk to the Washington Society of Plastic Surgeons on Plastic Surgery and the Overweight or Obese Patient. This is a very prickly topic and a difficult one to discuss, especially with the overweight or obese patient. I doContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon shares some great news about Type 2 Diabetes. For years it has been observed that obese patients with Type 2 diabetes have a dramatic improvement in their diabetes after gastric bypass surgery. And this improvement is seen almost immediately after surgery, long before the patient loses significant weight. Now there is something moreContinue reading…
Seattle Plastic Surgeon’s hunch confirmed by recent report – body lifting is in demand. I really, really like doing body contouring procedures on patients after massive weight loss. There are many, many types of lifts that are done below the neck. They include: lower body lift, flank lift, mons lift, brachioplasty (upper arm lift), thighContinue reading…