A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Irish Step Dancing

Oh my aching back.

October 5th, 2012 — 2:50pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon on the perils of sewing day and night for several weeks. I’ve had a several busy in surgery which means I’ve been hunching over the operating table and putting in stitch after stitch after stitch.  Then I’ve been going home and hunching over my sewing machine hour after hour after hour.  And my backContinue reading…

Irish Step Dancing, It's All About Me.

Ban the Tan?

July 23rd, 2012 — 11:57am

  Pasty white Seattle Plastic Surgeon shares her view on tanning bed restrictions. What’s wrong with this picture??? My daughter is a competative Irish step dancer and if you don’t what that involves, you must rent the documentary “Jig”.  The Irish dancing subculture is an interesting mix of athletic, artisitic and beauty competition.   I haveContinue reading…

General Health, Government and Politics, Irish Step Dancing, Skin Cancer, Skin Care, sun damage

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