A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Body Contouring

Brazilian Butt Lift – A Dire Warning.

July 19th, 2018 — 9:29am

This is an email I received last week.  I want to share it here.  Please pass it along to anyone who may be considering a Brazilian Butt Lift: URGENT WARNING TO SURGEONS PERFORMING FAT GRAFTING TO THE BUTTOCKS (Brazilian Butt Lift or “BBL”)This urgent advisory is in response to the alarming number of deaths stillContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Fat Injection, Patient Beware, Patient Safety

The truth about plastic surgery chains.

March 22nd, 2018 — 9:57am

I came across this well written article by plastic surgeon Jennifer Greer on www.Kevinmd.com.  I think it provides some good information about plastic surgery chains like Lifestyle Lift (out of business for a few years now) and SonoBello which appears to be expanding.  If you haven’t heard the SonoBello jingle you must never listen toContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Liposuction, Patient Beware, This Makes Me Cranky.

Silicone injections are deadlier than ever.

March 13th, 2018 — 2:34pm

Silicone has quietly become beauty’s own modern-day scourge. Here’s what you need to know about the infamous injectable. From Haper’s Bazaar, January 30, 2018 by Jolene Edgar We often write about—and unapologetically enjoy receiving—popular cosmetic injections, like line-relaxing Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers. Thankfully for our foreheads and lips, the FDA has deemed these injectablesContinue reading…

Body Contouring, General Health, Patient Beware, Patient Safety, Plastic Surgery, This Makes Me Cranky.

Ten common misconceptions about liposuction

January 30th, 2018 — 9:33am

Taken from an article by Dr. Wayne Carman for online American Society of Plastic Surgeons from January 30, 2108 Liposuction is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States and around the world. This is somewhat surprising, considering how many misunderstandings about it persist. Listed below are the ten mostContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Liposuction

Autumn Is the Best Season for Liposuction

October 23rd, 2017 — 12:07pm

Thinking about liposuction?  Autumn is the time to come in for a consultation. I love this time of year.  The air is crisp.  The leaves are a riot of color.   And best of all – my children are back in school!  Autumn is a great time to curl up with a nice cat and aContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Liposuction

Tummy tuck t-incision.

October 9th, 2017 — 9:39am

I just love doing tummy tucks because this procedure allows me to tighten skin, fix muscle position, remove fat and improve a belly button in one operation.   Usually this can be done with an incision that is admittedly quite long but is where the sun doesn’t usually shine.  But sometimes, maybe 10% of cases, it isContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Tummy Tuck


May 14th, 2017 — 7:00pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon Discusses Mommy Makeover on Mother’s Day Ah, the joys of motherhood! I can wax eloquently about fat little feet, apple cheeks, wet baby kisses and so on but one of the joys I did not expect was a boost in my Plastic Surgery practice, especially my “mommy makeover” patients. Since becoming aContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Breast Contouring, Breast Implants, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Mommy Makeover, Plastic Surgery

FAQ: If I gain weight after liposuction, where will the fat go?

September 2nd, 2016 — 9:43am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon answers common Liposuction FAQ:  Where will the fat go if I gain weight? This is one of the great plastic surgery mysteries because in any given patient, I cannot really predict where the fat will go if a patient gains weight after liposuction.  I can say with confidence that it won’t likely goContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Liposuction, Obesity, Tummy Tuck

It’s Tank Top Season

June 9th, 2015 — 2:00pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses options for upper arms. The thermometer in Seattle is finally hitting 70 degrees after the most wretched sping in recorded weather history and I’m getting a lot of questions about upper arm enhancement. The First Lady’s arms are the result of good arm genes and a great personal trainer.  Also, sheContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery

FAQ: Should I lose or gain weight before surgery?

October 21st, 2014 — 2:21pm

What’s the ideal weight for plastic surgery? I get this question a lot from patients who are thinking about having breast and/or body contouring.  It’s an important question and I am always glad to hear it because it tells me that the patient understands that weight fluctuations can make a difference in surgical outcome.  TakeContinue reading…

Body Contouring, Breast Contouring, Obesity

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