A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Surgical Eductaion

Today is Match Day – Maybe the Most Important Day in the Life of a Doctor

March 15th, 2019 — 12:00pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon goes back, way back to Match Day 1983. Every March, fourth year medical students across the United States convene to receive and open a small white envelope that has a huge influence on their future.  The information contained in this white envelope is where they “matched” for post-graduate training. The Match SystemContinue reading…

Surgical Eductaion

The surgeon as teacher.

February 25th, 2018 — 12:21pm

This weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a suture lab at Whitman College, a small liberal arts school in Walla Walla, Washington.  This lab is designed for Whitman students who are interested in medical careers. The lab consisted of about 30 students and 7 doctors.  The participating docs included one general surgeon, oneContinue reading…

Surgical Eductaion

Being a woman and a surgeon isn’t always easy but it sure beats the alternatives: Being a woman and not being a surgeon or being a surgeon and not being a woman.

January 16th, 2018 — 2:36pm

I participate in a few doctor only on line message boards and forums.  A topic that has been front and center the past few months has been the #METOO movement and some of the challenges women in medicine face.  I’d like to share a few of my own stories.  Fortunately none of them include HarveyContinue reading…

General Health, Government and Politics, It's All About Me., Plastic Surgery, Surgical Eductaion

Plastic Surgery FAQ: I’m a total wreck. Where should I start?

June 14th, 2017 — 4:16pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon answers Plastic Surgery FAQ:  I’m a total wreck.  Where should I start? I often see patients who are interested in several different procedures.  They have a laundry list of things they would like to change.  A recent example was a middle aged lady who wanted hip liposuction, a face lift, a tummy tuck,Continue reading…

Mommy Makeover, Patient Safety, Plastic Surgery, Surgical Eductaion

Saying goodbye to a plastic surgery giant, Dr. Mark Gorney

November 25th, 2014 — 2:45pm

Plastic Surgery loses one of its giants. From Plastic Surgery News Mark Gorney, MD, Napa, Calif., who led ASPS as its president in 1983 and served as a founding member and first medical director of The Doctors Company (TDC), passed away Monday, Nov. 17, at age 89. Dr. Gorney led the Society during a periodContinue reading…

Patient Safety, Plastic Surgery, Surgical Eductaion

A brow lift provides an anatomy lesson in the operating room.

May 22nd, 2014 — 9:13pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon gives a little anatomy lesson during a brow lift.  I did an open brow lift yesterday on a lady who had just excellent anatomy. An open brow lift is done with an incision that is made ear to ear across the scalp about and inch in back of the hair line.  TheContinue reading…

Now That's Cool, Plastic Surgery, Surgical Eductaion, Uncategorized

The Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons – their annual meeting starts this Saturday.

February 14th, 2014 — 9:02pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon is heading north to British Columbia for the annual meeting of the Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons (NWSPS).  I’ll return to Seattle a little bit smarter. I look forward to this particular medical meeting every year.  I have been a member of NWSPS for over twenty years and have to say thatContinue reading…

Surgical Eductaion

The difference between a complication and a trade off.

October 29th, 2013 — 2:41pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon clears up some confusion about postoperative “issues.” I recently did a pre-operative visit on a lady who will be having a face lift next month.  We have patients read an extensive informed consent document and discuss any issues that arise from that document.  She was most concerned about nerve damage that mayContinue reading…

Postoperative Care, Scar, Surgical Eductaion

The Learning Curve

October 9th, 2013 — 2:24pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses the challenge of introducing new procedures to her practice. This coming weekend thousands of Plastic Surgeons and their staff will decend on San Diego for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  These meetings provide an opportunity to share ideas, techniques, new procedures, and new equipment and instruments. PlasticContinue reading…

New Technology, Surgical Eductaion

The IKEA Effect

February 7th, 2013 — 10:59am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses the IKEA Effect. The IKEA effect refers to the phenomenon of how we are apt to like or even love something that required a lot of work on our part even if that something is flawed. Take this crooked chair.  You would never buy this at a store but if youContinue reading…

My Plastic Surgery Philosophy, Now That's a Little Weird, Surgical Eductaion, Uncategorized

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