Seattle Plastic Surgeon ponders the meaning of all of these awards than just seem to arrive in the mail along with a place for credit card information.
I was dejunking my office this week and came across a bunch of letters and a few emails informing me how fabulous I am and inviting me to order various plaques and trophies (prices range from $99 – $530) so I can spread the news of my fabulousness.
Over the past few years I have been named one of “America’s Top Surgeons”, one of “America’s Top Plastic Surgeons” (with honors of distinction and excellence), one of the “Leading Physicians of The World”, one of the “Best Doctors in America”, one of “Washington State’s Best Doctors”, “the 2015 Best Business of Seattle in the category of Cosmetic Surgeons”, “One of the 10 Best Plastic Surgeons for Washington”, “Top 100 Health Professionals – 2018”, and (my favorite), “Woman of the Year in Medicine and Healthcare.”
I have to say that I am honored and humbled by all of these accolades but I have a sneaking suspicion that these “associations” really don’t know anything about me or my practice and just want my money. I’m pretty cheap so you won’t see any this stuff hanging on my wall.
But …………… I am not at all shy about letting the world know about the fabulous awards I actually have received without having to fork over a dime. Going way, way, way back – here they are, at least the ones I can remember:
- Tidiest camper at Camp Sweyolaken as a Campfire Girl. You would laugh at this if you could see my desk right now.
- Best Book Week Poster – 5th grade, Hutton School, Spokane, Washington (Mom was so proud).
- First Place Beginner Dog Obediance (shared with Mickey, the wonderdog), Spokane Canine Club.
- Best Undergraduate Research Paper, University of Washington, 1978 (I got $400 which back then was a boat load of money. Actually it still is a boat load of money).
- Phi Beta Kappa – University of Washington, 1978.
- Alpha Omega Alpha – University of Washington School of Medicine, 1983.
- Best Paper, Senior Plastic Surgery Residents’ Conference, 1991.
- Golden Hands Award for the best cosmetic surgery case, Washington Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2005.
- “The Dom”. a.k.a. best presentation, Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2009. It’s called “The Dom” because the prize is a bottle of Dom Perignon.
Oh, and this just in: There is a new doctor in town who claims on his home page that he is ranked the #1 Plastic Surgeon in Seattle. And his home page is cluttered with the aforementioned fake plastic surgeon awards. Problem is that he has not spent one day in an approved plastic surgery residency, is not certified or eligible to be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (the only real plastic surgery board), and is not a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the Washington Society of Plastic Surgeons or the Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons. In other words, he is not a plastic surgeon!!! Is he a good non-plastic surgeon? Don’t know. I do know that he is not an honest surgeon.
Thanks for reading and be careful out there when picking a plastic surgeon. Make sure you pick a real one. Check your surgeon’s credentials by visiting the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Thanks for reading, (Multiple Award Winning) Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder
I would be honored if you followed me on Instagram @sowdermd and @breastimplantsanity.