Surgical techniques are constantly evolving and breast implant technique is no exception. In the past couple of years recommendations to minimize implant and implant pocket contamination have been developed. This is in response to overwhelming evidence that bacterial contamination is the main cause of capsular contracture and may also be the cause of breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Both of these conditions have been linked to the presence of biofilm around the breast implants. Biofilm is the product of certain bacteria, Staph epidermidis in the case of capsular contracture and Ralstonia piketti in the case of BIA-ALCL. It is our hope that with the adoption of the Surgical 14-Point Plan for Breast Implant Placement the annoying and difficult problem of capsular contracture and very serious and potentially fatal problem of BIA-ALCL will drop in frequency. If you are planning on breast implant surgery, you should ask your surgeon if he/she uses the 14 point plan. They should!
Surgical 14-Point Plan for Breast Implant Placement, from Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2018, Vol38(6) page 625
Thanks for reading and I would be honored if you followed me on Instagram @sowdermd and @breastimplantsanity. Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder