Seattle Plastic Surgeon Blogs About Trees and Mommy Makeovers – Again.
I returned from my two weeks away on Sunday night after dark. The next morning as I was getting into my car, I caught the most lovely scent wafting across my drive way. Lo and behold, our harlequin glorybower tree had bloomed while I was away. This lovely little late bloomer does a good impression of being dead until late spring and then slowly leafs out and just when everything else in the garden is looking a little boring, tah dah, it bursts into bloom with the most lovely pink blossoms that then turn this otherworldy red and colbalt blue. It scent is heavenly for weeks. Come late fall, the leaves turn a purpilish orange and if you crush them, they smell like peanut butter!
So what on earth does this have to do with plastic surgery?
Well, my first day back I saw a lady who described herself as a late bloomer. She’s forty-something and just sent her youngest off to college. After years of taking care of her family, she’s ready to do a little something for herself, in this case a mommy makeover. This is something she has wanted to do for years but with a busy household to run, never had the time for the surgery or the recovery. Now she’s finally has the time to bloom.
Thanks for reading, Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder