A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook


“I’ll double check to see if she is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.”

Seattle Plastic Surgeon advises patients to do their homework when choosing a plastic surgeon.  Make sure that “cosmetic surgeon” is the real meal deal.

Today I saw a patient for follow-up after her Botox injection.  She was thrilled with how well the injection worked for her frown lines.  Prior to seeing me, she had been injected at her dentist’s office and had had very little improvement.

Some non-invasive procedures seem so trivial that anyone can do them.  Right?  Well, not really.  It is vital to know the anatomy of the area you are injecting and surgeons know their anatomy really, really well.  Also, I think it is important to have a lot of tools to treat any given problem so if a problem is best treated with surgery, surgery can be recommended as a better alternative.  I doubt if most dentists know their forehead anatomy well or are well versed in the various types of browlift to treat forehead issues.

I cannot imagine offering dental services to my patients and I am always surprised when other health care provides wander far from their core areas of practice.  For more on this issue, check out this article in the NEW YORK TIMES.

Thanks for reading and remember to do your homework.  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


Category: Patient Beware, Patient Safety, Plastic Surgery | Tags: , ,

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