A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: shaped vs. round breast implants

Shaped vs. Round Breast Implant Smackdown

April 20th, 2015 — 8:53am

Shaped vs. Round Breast Implants

blog panel of experts

Shaped or Round Breast Implant? Toss a coin!

Shaped breast implants are all the rage these days.  A lot of this is driven by the manufacturers who love to promote these implants and a lot is driven by patients who sometimes insist on the latest and greatest be it a cell phone, blender or breast implants.  And I use shaped implants from time to time but in many cases, a shaped implant is of no advantage over a round implant.

About a year ago, I attended the annual meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).  One of the best presentations involved a panel of five well seasoned (a.k.a. over 50) plastic surgeons.  They were shown multiple before and after photos of breast implant patients and asked to comment on the cases, in particular whether the patient had shaped or round implants.  The panel of experts was right less than 50% of the time!  In other words, they could have had a panel of five year olds toss a coin and come up with better results!

Years ago I was quite enamored with shaped implants and actually came to rather despise them!  I had issues with malposition and particularly rotation which can lead to some funky shaped breasts and which requires re-operation.  I have gotten a whole lot better with these implants with improved implant design and modifying my technique, but honestly, in 90% of cases a round implant will work just fine as long as it’s NOT TOO BIG (that’s another blog).

So in most cases a patient can save themselves some money and me some aggravation by going with round implants.  Yet another win win.  I just love win win, don’t you?

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Breast Contouring, Breast Implants

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