Seattle Plastic Surgeon explains why she always marks her patients in the upright postion.
Plastic surgeons always, always, always do our preoperative markings with patients in the upright position. It doesn’t matter if we’re operating on a face, a chest or an abdomen. Most people understand the effect that position has on breasts and bellys but have never really thought about the effect that position has on the face.
Take a look at these photos posted on the Real Self website by a lady with questions about facial surgery. Look at how much improvement she gets with her jaw line and her nasolabial folds (the creases that run from the nose to the corner of the mouth) when she lies down. Also look how her square face assumes a more oval shape. Wild, huh?
These photos also illustrate why we sit patients up during or near completion of a face lift. A face that looks great supine on the operating room table may need a little tweaking once gravity is added to the equation.
Thanks for reading! Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder