A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: Nipple reduction seattle

Nipple reduction and a breast lift can make the breasts look fuller.

September 27th, 2017 — 11:55am

Check out this case.

This lady initially came in for breast augmentation.  She wanted to look a little fuller but was a worried about the impact of larger breasts on her competitive tennis game.  After chatting with her and examining her, I came up with the plan of a lift and a nipple reduction.  These procedures would give the illusion of fuller breasts without actually increasing the volume.

A small and saggy breast with a long stretched-out nipple looks – I’m gonna say it – a little pathetic.  Once the breast skin is tightened up and the nipple shortened, the breast looks almost the way it did before babies, breast feeding, gravity, general aging, etc.  And a procedure like this is maintenance free.  It should last a lifetime.  But remember to wear a bra most of the time when upright.  Gravity never sleeps.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Follow me on Instagram @sowdermd and @breastimplantsanity.

Breast Contouring, Breast Lift, Mommy Makeover, Nipples

Mammals will be mammals

September 13th, 2011 — 12:42am

Now that’s a lot of nipples.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder, blogs about nipples – again!

It has been amazing weather in Seattle the past week.  Summer has finally arrived and the shirts are finally coming off and, as a plastic surgeon, I could not help but notice a buff young man  with several supernumerary nipples sunning himself.  He probably thinks they are just over-sized moles but I know better.

Supernumerary nipples are pretty common and they often do look like moles but they follow the so-called nipple line that runs from the (underarm) down to the pubic region.  Sometimes there is breast tissue under the little nipples and I have even done a few axillary breast excisions over the years for ladies with underarm breasts that (believe me) drive them crazy.

So yes, we are mammals.  We have nipples, usually two but sometimes more!    If your nipples, supernumerary (or not) are giving you grief, give me a call.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Breast Contouring, Plastic Surgery

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