A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: in office surgery

I’ve moved!!! Come check out our fabulous new office.

February 1st, 2014 — 10:12am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder, is spending her weekend moving into her new office and outpatient surgery center.  Oh my aching back!

Alert:  My new address is 1101 Madison Street, Suite 1101, Seattle, Washington, 98104.  My new phone number is  206 467-1101 and new fax is 206 812-4344.  I even have a new email:  sowder@sowdermd.com or   lsowder@madisonplasticsurgery.net.

I should probably schedule that massage now.

I should probably schedule that massage now.

On Monday, I will start seeing all my patients at Madison Plastic Surgery, a brand new office and outpatient surgery center.  This beautiful new space is the brain child of my associate Dr. Shahram Salemy.  We are joining forces to provide our patients with the most excellent plastic surgery experience possible.  Every decision with designing and building out this new facility has been with patient safety, comfort and convenience  in mind.  Our construction crew, computer geeks and staff have been working long hours to get this space ready.  I’ve been working long hours sorting out 22 years of accumulated stuff in my old office.  It’s been a trip down memory lane (but that’s another blog post). Our new office is just across the street from our old office so I have been moving most of my stuff myself with the help of a very well designed hand cart.  I’ve gotten a lot of exercise the past few days and I think by Monday, me and my aching back will be ready for nice massage. Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Patient Safety, Plastic Surgery

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