A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: ICD-10 plastic surgery

ICD-10. It’s heeeeeeeere.

October 1st, 2015 — 10:30am
Don't worry Barbie. There's an IDC-10 for that squirrel encounter!

Don’t worry Barbie. There’s an IDC-10 for that squirrel encounter!

Today, October 1, 2015, is the day that doctors have to switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10 diagnosis codes.  Up until today, we doctors had to rely on a mere 18,000 ICD-9 codes to describe patient diagnoses.  Doctors rely on these mandatory codes for reimbursement from insurance companies.  Years ago, when I was doing a lot of insurance work, I had many of these codes memorized.  A couple of examples of ICD-9 codes I used a lot were 611.1 for overly large breasts, 173.30 for skin cancer and 873.50 for a gnarly dog bite to the face.

The new federally mandated version, ICD-10 expands the number of codes to around  from 18.000 to 140,000 codes.  That’s a lot of codes!

Here are a few examples I might possibly need to use for cases I see in the emergency room when I am on call:  Walked into a lamppost, initial encounter W22.02XA.  And if that patient walks into the lamppost again, ICD-10 has it covered:  “Walked into a lamppost, subsequent encounter, W22.02XD.  And for that occasional patient who suffers a burn while waterskiing: V91.07XA.  I occasionally treat animal bites and in the bird department I am covered.  There are 72 codes which cover ducks, macaws, parrots, geese, turkeys and chickens.  And if the chicken bite occurs in a chicken coop, there is an add on code for that!   And if it’s a squirrel bite, of course there is a code.  But what is it something other than a bite?  There’s a code for “other encounter with a squirrel.”  Doesn’t that just make your imagination run wild???

And sometimes, I’ll see a patient late at night in the ER who along with their chicken bite and/or lamp post  injury presents with a bizarre personal appearance (R46.1) and/or a very low level of personal hygiene (R46.0). I hope they don’t take it personally because in the middle of the night, both those codes just may apply to me!

I have to keep reminding myself that the feds who mandate this stuff are from the government and they are here to help.   Sometimes I just have to scratch my head.   I wonder if there is a code for that??????

Disclosure:  I borrowed heavily form an article in the Wall Street Journal written by Anna Wilde Mathews for this topic.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Financial Issues, Government and Politics, This Makes Me Cranky.

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