A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: breast asymmetry seattle

Happy tears in the exam room.

August 26th, 2011 — 5:10pm

“You mean I’m not the only one?”

Seattle Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder delivers good news to young women with breast asymmetry.

This past week I have seen three young women with significant breast asymmetry.  It is very typical for these patients to shed happy tears when they discover that 1. they have a fairly common problem and 2. something can be done to improve their symmetry.

Often these patients suffer in silence for years thinking that they are some freak of nature.  I’ve had patients in their 30’s who have not shared their concerns even with their mothers or sisters of bffs.

The treatment of breast asymmetry depends on the patient’s anatomy and wishes.  I’ve used every breast procedure I know (reduction, lift, augmentation, nipple areolar revision and/or repositioning) to treat asymmetry.   Perfect symmetry is never possible and does not occur in nature (or my operating room) but I can usually get the breast to the point where a patient can just put on a regular bra or swimsuit and get on with her day.  And that a beautiful thing!

I just wish this problem would get a little more attention from the popular media so the women out there who think they are the only one can see that they have a lot of company and that their condition can be safely and effectively treated.

Thanks for reading.  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder

Breast Contouring, Breast Implants, Breast Reduction, Plastic Surgery

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