A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Tag: aging

I’m so sad about Nora Ephron.

June 27th, 2012 — 4:32pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon wonders how she will survive the rest of her “aging journey” without Nora Ephron. 

I am so sad to hear of Nora Ephron’s death.   I wonder how I am going to survive the next few decades of life without having another pithy Nora Ephron book to make me laugh out loud about the adventures and misadventure of making the transition from youth to middle age to older to old.   I am hoping to hear in the next few days that Nora was finishing her book about the ultimate transition at the time of her death.  If anyone could make that funny, it would be Nora. 

I’ve enjoyed Nora’s writing for decades, but it’s really been since I became a “woman of a certain age” myself that I have truly appreciated her wonderful take on this journey of life and her wise wit (or maybe it’s witty wisdom).

I Feel Bad About My Neck and I Remember Nothing are her most recent books and I devoured both of them in one sitting.  I read I Remember Nothing on a flight from Seattle to Boston and I’m sure the dudes on either side of  me thought I was off my meds.  Can anything other than a Nora Ephron book  make flying coach, middle seat, so much fun?  I think not.

Rest in peace Nora and thank you for the laughs and tears and your amazing humor and humanity.  I’m going to load all your books onto my Kindle and read them – again. 

Lisa Lynn Sowder, M.D.

Aging Issues, Highly Recommended Reading

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