A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Aging Issues

Not worried about the sun? You should be!

June 13th, 2011 — 7:15pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses sun damage and skin protection – again.  Inags because Icare. Summer officially starts in two weeks and it’s time for my yearly scold about facial tanning.  As usual, a picture is worth a bajillion words so take a look at these twins.  They have had no surgery or skin treatments andContinue reading…

Aging Issues, General Health, Skin Care, sun damage

Hey Girlfriend! Lose the cigarette already!

May 25th, 2011 — 8:25pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon nags about smoking. Yesterday evening I took my dog, Stella, for a nice long walk.  I live  just a stone’s throw from Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood. Fremont is the self designated Center of the Universe and home to many, many hipster bars and clubs. Seattle has had the most wretched spring on recordContinue reading…

Aging Issues, General Health, Skin Care

Road Repaving and Skin Resurfacing

May 24th, 2011 — 12:05am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses facial rejuvenation with skin resurfacing. Many of the streets in my Seattle neighborhood are being repaved and it’s about time.  I’m happy to trade some slowdowns and detours for the potholes.  Today I drove by a big rig that was tearing up the old surface of the road so the new asphaltContinue reading…

Aging Issues, Skin Care, sun damage

What really is pain?

May 19th, 2011 — 8:07pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon comments on young whipper snappers wearing  very annoying  t-shirts. Yesterday was an amazing and beautiful spring day in Seattle. I had a couple of free hours in the morning and I took Stella, our snippy, snappy, snarly, nasty, naughty thing, on a walk around Green Lake. The path around the lake was packed andContinue reading…

Aging Issues, It's All About Me.

Please, no bidding war for a facelift at the school auction!

May 16th, 2011 — 11:34pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon won’t donate surgery to her children’s school. My children’s school had its annual fund raising auction this past weekend. This year was a 60’s theme and we all got to dress up like hippies. It was a blast. Every year someone inquires about me donating surgery to be auctioned off and IContinue reading…

Aging Issues, Facial Rejuvenation, Now That's a Little Weird, Plastic Surgery, Skin Care, sun damage

Seattle weather – great for moss and nice skin

April 19th, 2011 — 4:50pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon discusses the joys of a soggy climate. The front page of the Seattle Times today featured a great story on moss. We’ve had one of the wettest and coldest springs in recent memory and the moss is just loving it. I must admit, when I was in college and taking botony, IContinue reading…

Aging Issues, I Love Seattle!, Skin Care, sun damage

So, what is a “Lifesytle Lift”?

April 5th, 2011 — 7:28pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon Discusses          Lifestyle Lift Okay, okay. I have had a jillion questions about the “Lifestyle Lift” in the past few weeks. All I can figure is that they are doing some sort of marketing blitz. I don’t watch T.V. so I am a little out of the loop. I am not one ofContinue reading…

Aging Issues, Facial Rejuvenation, Patient Beware, Plastic Surgery, Preoperative Care

Jack Lalanne was right. Gotta keep movin’.

January 26th, 2011 — 9:44am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon Notes the Passing of a Fitness Icon. Early this week I heard that Jack Lalanne died – at age 96. Just hearing his name takes me back to my childhood – my mother and me in front of our little black and white T.V. doing situps and deep knee bends to theContinue reading…

Aging Issues, General Health

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