Seattle Plastic Surgeons does her first case in her new operating room. It was a religious experience.
Today I did three cases in our brand new operating room which is part of the brand new Madison Tower Surgery Center in Seattle. And it was a great day. Our new OR has plenty of space, natural light in addition to two powerful overhead lights, a new anesthesia machine and tons of storage space so that there is a place for everything and, so far, everything has been in its place.
Our old operating room was perfectly functional but was small and cramped and sometimes it felt like we were always bouncing off each other or a piece of equipment that didn’t really have a home. And there were no windows which meant that a day in the operating room felt a little bit like working in a cave with good lighting.
Building out this new facility was a labor of love and money and I owe a lot to my associate Dr. Shahram Salemy for his vision and persistence in making it all happen. It’s a great place to spend the day which is good because I am going to be stepping up my schedule to help pay for it!
Thanks for reading! Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder