A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

No fez for me.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon is soooooo disappointed to learn about Turkey’s ban on the fez.

Plastic surgery Seattle

That fez will get you in trouble with the Turkish authorities.

Just today I had a friend return from a trip to Turkey.  I had asked her to buy an authentic fez for me just for fun.  Well, there was no fez for me in her bag of gifts.  She learned, while she was there, that the fez was banned in the 1920″s as part of Turkey’s push towards secularization and modernization.

Now I am all for separation of church and state and for modernization but at such a price?   I think the fez is just one of the coolest head adornments out there – and they add a good six inches to one’s height. So my pal goes to Turkey and all I get is a lousy belly dancing scarf.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


Category: Stuff I love, Wardrobe Observations | Tags: , , ,

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