A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

“I would NEVER, EVER have plastic surgery.”

Seattle plastic surgeon advises young people to never say never!Me? Plastic surgery? Never!

Seattle plastic surgeon advises the young and beautiful to never say never!  

I recently attended a social gathering and met a lovely young woman, who upon hearing that I was a plastic surgeon, told me with great earnestness that she did not “believe in plastic surgery”.  This happens from time to time and I used to take it personally but now I just say in the nicest possible way that they may feel differently after the years have done their work and that they should keep an open mind.

I also mention that I, myself, have had a little time under the knife and tell them that I don’t mind being the oldest mom in my daughter’s fifth grade class.  I just don’t want to look like the oldest mom.

And many, many of my middle aged and older patients say, “I never thought in a million years I would be doing something like this.”   Well, those patients are the “I don’t believe in plastic surgery” patients fast forwarded  two or three decades.

No one escapes aging and gravity no matter how healthy the diet or vigorous the exercise.  These facts of life keep me busy even in “all natural, granola, Birkenstock, beauty is on the inside” Seattle.

Thanks for reading!   Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder



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