A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Fat transfer to the breast – I’m getting enthusiastic.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon is seeing some very nice results from fat transfer to the breast.

Left side : before fat transfer. Right side : 3 months after fat transfer. She has gone from a B to a C cup.

It takes quite a bit to get me enthusiatic about “new stuff” because “new stuff” pops up every day and more often than not, the reality does not begin to live up to the hype.  This tends to make one (me, for instance) a bit skeptical.

As discussed on my website and previous blogs, fat transfer to the breast is a new procedure that I am now offering to very carefully selected patients.   And now I am starting to get some sort of longish term follow-up and I am starting to get, well, a little bit excited.

This lovely mother of two darling boys had her fat transfer last fall and her size is holding steady.  She was a B cup before transfer and a C cup three weeks after transfer and today is a C cup three months after transfer.  She is thrilled and so am I.

She not only has no implant to maintain, she has virtually no scars on her chest and she has a subtle improvement in her breast shape.  No, she’s not going to stop traffic with this chest but that was never her intent.

And another cool thing about fat transfer – it’s really a twofer.  In this patient’s case, I took the fat off of her posterior hips and she is much slimmer in that area and with the increase in her breast volume, is much better balanced between her upper and lower body.  SWEET!

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


Category: Breast Contouring, Fat Transfer to the Breast, New Technology | Tags: , , , ,

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