A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Uncategorized

How to lose weight in 4 easy steps by

February 14th, 2018 — 7:39am

I thought I would post this essay for Valentine’s Day.  It’s really not about losing weight. This is cut and pasted from http://aaronbleyaert.tumblr.com/post/109959086957.  All I added was the cartoon. HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT IN 4 EASY STEPS I’ve spent the past year losing 80 lbs and getting in shape. A lot of people have beenContinue reading…


What might the Cuban Sonic Attacks have in common with Breast Implant Illness?

February 1st, 2018 — 8:49am

You gotta read this from today’s Slate.com.  This will involve some heavy mental lifting so put on your thinking cap and take the time to read the entire article. MEDICAL EXAMINER Cuba’s Sonic Attacks Show Us Just How Susceptible Our Brains Are to Mass Hysteria The symptoms so many Americans experienced were probably not causedContinue reading…

Breast Implant Illness, General Health, Uncategorized

Brazilian Butt Lift a.k.a. Fat Grafting to the Buttocks: Let’s make this safer.

January 31st, 2018 — 12:18pm

Brazilian Butt Lift a.k.a. fat grafting to the buttocks is getting a lot of needed attention considering the comparatively high mortality rate of this procedure.   Several surgical societies have come together to study these deaths and have come up with these following guidelines.  Hopefully this procedure will become safer.  I applaud those who did theContinue reading…


BIA-ALCL: What we know so far.

January 8th, 2018 — 3:13pm

I recently took an excellent online tutorial on Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma presented by Dr. Mark Clemens of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.  Here is some information from that tutorial as well as information from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.   I have also includedContinue reading…


The Opioid Crisis and the Post Surgical Patient

December 11th, 2017 — 12:42pm

It seems that not a day goes by when we are not hearing more bad news about America’s opioid crisis.  And with good reason.  This crisis is ruining the lives of the abusers and those who love and depend on them.  A recent photo  spread in the New Yorker Magazine laid it all out inContinue reading…


Nipple Piercing Smackdown

December 5th, 2017 — 10:24am

About two weeks ago I got a whole bunch of sort of nasty emails from professional body piercers slamming me for both my technique for piercing inverted nipples and also for my fees.  It seems they were having some sort of body piercing summit and someone stumbled across my webpage on this topic.  I wasContinue reading…


Price Transparency (or lack thereof) in Healthcare

October 16th, 2017 — 10:29am

Recently my head almost exploded over a price quote from the great big gigantic medical center (GBGMC) across the street.  I have surgical  privileges at the GBGMC but do almost all of my surgery cases in my office ambulatory surgery center (ASC).  My ASC is fully certified, much more convenient and private for patients andContinue reading…


My Annual Chico Retreat

September 11th, 2017 — 2:59pm

Later this month I’m heading to Chico Hot Springs in Montana for my annual Cowgirl Retreat with 4 of my best buddies from – gasp – high school.  We’ve been doing this every September for twenty years or so.  We are all pretty fit so we usually do a couple of hikes, one easy andContinue reading…


Happy Valentine’s Day – Pucker Up!

February 14th, 2017 — 7:00am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon loves doing subtle and artful lip augmentation with Hyaluronic Acid fillers.  Are they real or plumped up with filler? It should be impossible to tell with a nice and artful lip augmentation. I am always amazed at how much my practice has evolved after being in practice for over 20 years now.  Continue reading…

Facial Fillers, Fat Injection, Lip Enhancement and Augmentation, Non-invasive, Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized

Fear and loathing and surgical drains.

July 19th, 2016 — 8:57am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon answers FAQ:  Will I need a drain?  How long will it need to stay in?   Isn’t a drain really gross?  Won’t it really hurt when you take it out?  Whether or not a patient will need a drain after surgery depends on what procedure is being done and how much postoperative oozing isContinue reading…


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