A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Welcome to my blog. I am a retired plastic surgeon in Seattle and was in private practice since 1991. I've seen more than a few interesting faces and cases through my years spent in the exam room, the operating room and the emergency room. And I have an opinion on just about everything relating to plastic surgery (and a lot of unrelated stuff). If you like my blog, let me know. Thanks for reading! Lisa

Category: Stuff I love

Male journalist takes on Redbook’s Web Site. IMO male journalist wins.

October 7th, 2013 — 1:42pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon shares Wall Street Journal Article from Saturday, Oct. 5, 1013: Words Assured to Tick Off Any Man by Joe Queenan Redbook’s website has just published a list of things you should never say to a man. Why not? Because they will make him go ballistic. The list includes such incendiary remarks as:Continue reading…

For Men Only, Highly Recommended Reading, Male Plastic Surgery, Stuff I love

No fez for me.

April 30th, 2013 — 10:37am

Seattle Plastic Surgeon is soooooo disappointed to learn about Turkey’s ban on the fez. Just today I had a friend return from a trip to Turkey.  I had asked her to buy an authentic fez for me just for fun.  Well, there was no fez for me in her bag of gifts.  She learned, while sheContinue reading…

Stuff I love, Wardrobe Observations

The Keller Funnel – I love it, I use it, I wish I had invented it.

January 11th, 2013 — 12:37pm

Seattle Plastic Surgeon blogs about a surgical device that she really, really, really loves.  I was first introduced to the Keller Funnel in 2009 and have been using it with my silicone gel breast augmentations ever since.  It is a device that is elegantly simple, very easy to use and even, well, fun.   It looksContinue reading…

Breast Contouring, Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery, Stuff I love, Uncategorized

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