A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Will implants interfere with sports? Probably not.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon reassures her patients that breast implants usually do not interfere with athletic endeavors.

Seattle breast implant surgeon

Hey girfriend! Where’s your sportsbra?

Many of my breast implants patients are very physically active and the effect of breast implants on athletic performance is a common question.

Except for the world class athlete, breast implants won’t likely interfere with even vigorous sporting activities like waterskiing, snow boarding, rock climbing, kick boxing, barrel racing, Zumba, parkour, rowing, dog agility, lacrosse, roller derby, etc.

I do warn warn patients that their upper body strength may be a little diminished with sub-pectoral implants but that they won’t likely notice the difference once they are healed.

Also, once a patient with implants starts doing upper body exercise, their implants may feel weird for a few weeks but that they will get used to it.  I also warn them that they will definitely need a good exercise bra to protect their investment and they may be getting a little more attention at the gym or the roller derby track.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


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