A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

What really is pain?

Only a young person would believe this.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon comments on young whipper snappers wearing  very annoying  t-shirts.

Yesterday was an amazing and beautiful spring day in Seattle. I had a couple of free hours in the morning and I took Stella, our snippy, snappy, snarly, nasty, naughty thing, on a walk around Green Lake. The path around the lake was packed and I had the unfortunate opportunity to compare my dog with everyone else’s better behaved dog. Oh, well. The other unfortunate opportunity I had was to compare my middle aged bod plodding around the lake with the young gazelles leaping and skipping around the lake. It was a little comforting to know that 30 years ago, I too was one of the young gazelles.

There was a group of these young whipper snappers wearing t-shirts with the inscription on the left. “ How naïve”, I thought. But then again, I used to think that way. I have a very different view and respect for pain these days now that recovery from overuse or abuse takes weeks instead of days. I’m going to have a t-shirt made that says “Pain is your middle age sensibility saying; ‘Knock it off. You aren’t 25 anymore!’ ”

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


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