A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Oh, how I love a real, live person answering the phone.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon hates phone trees.Seattle Plastic Surgeon blogs about being on the other end of the telephone line.

It is always helpful for me to be on the receiving end of the Health Care Industrial Complex.  I often get an insight into how I could do it better but today I just got a warm and fuzzy feeling about how well my office does with answering the phone. 

I was making an appointment for one of my children to see a sports medicine doc about a shoulder injury and another appointment for an annual well child visit and an appointment for myself for some minor hand surgery (nothing serious!).

I just hate it when I hear, “If this is a life threatening emergency, hang up and dial 911.  Otherwise, please listen to the following options…….blah, blah, blah, blah blah.”   And I just love it when I dial my office phone number and hear a real, live, breathing, thinking, and helpful person answer the phone.   Maybe we’re dinosaurs at our office but it will take a meteorite for me to change this bit of old fashioned customer, woops, patient service.

Thanks for reading.  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


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