A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

It summer! Time to review swim suit rules.

Seattle Plastic Surgeon reviews swimsuit rules.

 I came across this list of “Swimsuit Commandments” in O Magazine and thought I would share it with my readers.  I think Adam offers some pretty reasonable advice with his 10 Commandments.  But…

I do  have a beef with so many of the “Swimsuit Makeover” spreads that seem to populate every magazine targeting women over, say, age 15.  Because after 15, we all have swimsuit issues.  It seems that all of the after photos in these spreads show the makeover subject in 4 inch heels.  It is a rare woman who does not look better in a swimsuit, any swimsuit, with 4 inch heels.  But really, when was the last time you wore 4 inch heels to the beach?  I’m surprised that these spreads don’t show the women before their makeover wearing flippers.  Even Jennifer Lopez would look bad in flippers.

I also have a beef about the absence of these spreads in journals targeting men over, say, 20.  My husband writes for mens’ magazines and it seems we have a subscription to them all.  I’ve never seen a swimsuit makeover for dudes;  no Speedo recommendation for the “short torso with birdlegs” or the board shorts  for the “long torso with gynecomastiaor the boy short  for the “spare tire with nasty, fungus feet.”   Why can’t Adam be there for the dudes?   They need help too!

 My favorite bit of swimwear wisdom comes from writer Anne Lamott.  I cannot locate the exact quote so I am paraphrasing here.   Ms. Lamott, who apparently has some issues with her thighs (she has loveningly named them “the Aunties”), decided long ago that body issues will never, ever keep her from enjoying a swimming pool, a lake, a river, or an ocean.  I totally agree with that commandment:  “Thou shalt  exalt in the joy of swimming whenever and wherever possible.”  And I will also add to the venues to be enjoyed –  running through the sprinklers with one’s children on a hot summer day.  And make sure to follow with Snow Cones all around.

So, enjoy the summer.  Here in the Northwest, it’s short and sweet.  Last weekend I swam in a very brisk Lake Chelan in my very ragged,  very old Speedo and I enjoyed every second of it.

Thanks for reading!  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder



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