A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

Halloween Owl is a Mother’s Friend

Happy Halloween!

blog halloween owl

“I’ve come for my candy.”

If you have young kids at home, you need to meet the Halloween Owl.  He is your best friend this time of year.

This is how he operates.   You help your  children set aside at least half of their sugary treasure to donate to the Halloween Owl.  They put their donation into a nice decorated paper bag with “Halloween Owl Only” written on it with big black letters.   After the children are in bed, their tummies aching from all of that crappy candy, the Halloween Owl taps on the window to claim his share of the bounty which he shares  with all of his woodland friends.    There is little pushback from the children as they imagine the owls and raccoons and possums enjoying their once a year treat.  And in Seattle, where I live, there are occasionally reports of coyotes in the city limits and once a report of a cougar in one of our city parks.   Those are big critters and they need lots of candy and the children may be even more generous with their donation.

My children are young adults now and they are wise to the Halloween Owl but it worked great for years.  So if your kids are young, give it a try.  Just make sure that you put the candy at the very bottom of the garbage can.

Thanks for reading and i would be honored if you followed me on Instagram @sowdermd and @breastimplantsanity.   Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


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