A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

A Valentine’s Day Gift that won’t end up on your hips.

Put this on your list for Valentine’s Day.  It won’t end up on your hips and you can wear it in public!

Pink SmartWool Artisan Socks – Perfect for Valentines Day

I am totally smitten with SmartWool stockings, especially the Artisan variety.  They come in an array of very cool and funky designs and colors and they last and last and last.  There’s nothing like a new pair of snugly warm socks to warm my heart in winter.

Did ya know why SmartWool socks aren’t itchy?  It’s because the type of wool that is used is very, very fine and flexible compared to normal wool which is thick, stiff and poky.   I don’t itch at all in these sock and I am a very, very itchy gal by nature.   In fact, I am sitting here right now thinking how itchy my boiled wool jacket is.   And you know how that makes me feel?  Well, it rhymes with itchy.

So check out some pink SmartWool socks for Valentines Day.  And no, no, no, I do not get a dime or even a free pair of socks for this blog.

Thanks for reading.  Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


Category: Now That's Cool, Wardrobe Observations | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

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