A ^Retired Plastic Surgeon's Notebook

My New Year’s Resolution

Seattle Plastic Surgeon acknowledges that there is a bit of room for improvement.

This year I am going to keep it simple.  Not easy, but simple.

Our family does a fair amount of camping.   Those of you who also enjoy and/or endure the chaos of camping are familiar with the camping ethos of : LEAVE THE CAMPSITE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT.

So there it is:  I, Lisa, will leave the campsite, car interior, desk top (what a mess that always is), kitchen sink, closet, dog’s food and water bowls,  junk drawer, bread box,  garden shed, and whatever innanimate objects are subject to the forces of entropy, atrophy, apathy, inertia, and so forth, in a better condition than in which I found them.

Wish me luck, HAPPY NEW YEAR and thanks for reading.   Dr. Lisa Lynn Sowder


Category: It's All About Me., Uncategorized

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